An Airport Coffee with David

“I work in Iowa. This is my second year. I need to come back once every year because of the visa. It’s hard to find work here in Mexico so I had to try to go to USA. I’m a vet. In Iowa, I work on five farms that belong to the same company and I take care of piglets. It’s a good job, I work in my field. We use technology so it’s much easier. I found that job on Facebook. I love Facebook. I love my boss. There are four of us working for him from Mexico and El Salvador. He treats us well.
“But it’s tough, I miss my girls. They are five and seven. I will go to Puebla once a year to see them until I can afford to bring them to me. My name is David, what is your name?”
I met David on my way to Guatemala, during the three-hour layover at the Mexico City airport. As I was drinking my quad-Americano, he asked if he could share my table. Within some brief twenty minutes, he told me his story and left me with a little bit more faith in humankind.